Spring is upon us. That means lawns to mow, more time outdoors…and a fuzzy green film of pollen and smelly black mold all over your shed. If you happen to get a sudden burst of motivation to clean the outside of your shed, then there are a couple guidelines you should follow so that the washing won’t lead to damage.
First, using a pressure washer is generally not recommended. It can strip the paint from the sides and also cause water to leak into the unit itself. Your shed is designed to be protected from falling rain, but not from the upward force of a pressure washer.
Instead use a pump sprayer and a general garden hose with a simple solution of 10% household bleach and dish washing detergent. If there are stubborn, stuck on stains, try scrubbing with a car or truck washing brush.
A product called Awesome also works great for cleaning off tree sap. One final thing to know is to try to avoid spraying the corners or around the soffit area of the roof. This will help prevent water and mold damage from reaching the inside.
So, if you feel a sudden burst of inspiration after reading this post, then grab your kids, a bucket, and scrub brush. With a little bleach and elbow grease, your shed will be shining like new in no time!